DataTorrent dtGateway API v2 Specification


Return codes

  • 200: OK
  • 400: The request is not in the format that the server expects
  • 404: The resource is not found
  • 500: Something is wrong on the server side

REST URI Specification

GET /ws/v2/about



    "buildVersion": "{Apex build version}",
    "buildDate": "{Apex build date and time}",
    "buildRevision": "{Apex revision}",
    "buildUser": "{Apex build user}",
    "version": "{Apex version}",
    "rtsBuildVersion": "{RTS build version}",
    "rtsBuildDate": "{RTS build date and time}",
    "rtsBuildRevision": "{RTS revision}",
    "rtsBuildUser": "{RTS build user}",
    "rtsVersion": "{RTS version}",
    "gatewayUser": "{user}",
    "javaVersion": "{java_version}",
    "hadoopLocation": "{hadoop_location}",
    "jvmName": "{pid}@{hostname}",
    "configDirectory": "{configDir}",
    "hostname": "{hostname}",
    "hadoopIsSecurityEnabled": "{true/false}"

GET /ws/v2/cluster/metrics

Function: List metrics that are relevant to the entire cluster


    "averageAge": "{average running application age in milliseconds}",
    "cpuPercentage": "{cpuPercentage}",
    "currentMemoryAllocatedMB": "{currentMemoryAllocatedMB}",
    "maxMemoryAllocatedMB": "{maxMemoryAllocatedMB}",
    "numAppsFailed": "{numAppsFailed}",
    "numAppsFinished": "{numAppsFinished}",
    "numAppsKilled": "{numAppsKilled}",
    "numAppsPending": "{numAppsPending}",
    "numAppsRunning": "{numAppsRunning}",
    "numAppsSubmitted": "{numAppsSubmitted}",
    "numContainers": "{numContainers}",
    "numOperators": "{numOperators}",
    "tuplesEmittedPSMA": "{tuplesEmittedPSMA}",
    "tuplesProcessedPSMA": "{tuplesProcessedPSMA}"

GET /ws/v2/applications[?states={STATE_FILTER}&name={NAME_FILTER}&user={USER_FILTER]

Function: List IDs of all streaming applications


    "apps": [
            "diagnostics": "{diagnostics}",
            "elapsedTime": "{elapsedTime}",
            "finalStatus": "{finalStatus}",
            "finishedTime": "{finishedTime}",
            "id": "{appId}",
            "name": "{name}",
            "queue": "{queue}",
            "startedTime": "{startedTime}",
            "state": "{state}",
            "trackingUrl": "{trackingUrl}",
            "user": "{user}"

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}

Function: Get the information for the specified application


    "id": "{appid}",
    "name": "{name}",
    "state": "{state}",
    "trackingUrl": "{tracking url}",
    "finalStatus": {finalStatus},
    "appPath": "{appPath}",
    "gatewayAddress": "{gatewayAddress}",
    "elapsedTime": "{elapsedTime}",
    "startedTime": "{startTime}",
    "user": "{user}",
    "version": "{stram version}",
    "remainingLicensedMB": "{remainingLicensedMB}",
    "allocatedMB": "{allocatedMB}",
    "gatewayConnected": "true/false",
    "connectedToThisGateway": "true/false",
    "attributes": {
           "{attributeName}": "{attributeValue}", 
           "{attributeName-n}": "{attributeValue-n}", 
    "stats": {
        "allocatedContainers": "{allocatedContainer}",
        "totalMemoryAllocated": "{totalMemoryAllocated}",
        "latency": "{overall latency}",
        "criticalPath": "{list of operator id that represents the critical path}",
        "failedContainers": "{failedContainers}",
        "numOperators": "{numOperators}",
        "plannedContainers": "{plannedContainers}",
        "currentWindowId": "{min of operators:currentWindowId}",
        "recoveryWindowId": "{min of operators:recoveryWindowId}",
        "tuplesProcessedPSMA": "{sum of operators:tuplesProcessedPSMA}",
        "totalTuplesProcessed":"{sum of operators:totalTuplesProcessed}",
        "tuplesEmittedPSMA":"{sum of operators:tuplesEmittedPSMA}",
        "totalTuplesEmitted":"{sum of operators:totalTuplesEmitted}",
        "totalBufferServerReadBytesPSMA": "{totalBufferServerReadBytesPSMA}",
        "totalBufferServerWriteBytesPSMA": "{totalBufferServerWriteBytesPSMA}"

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan

Function: Return the physical plan for the given application


    "operators": [
            "className": "{className}",
            "container": "{containerId}",
            "cpuPercentageMA": "{cpuPercentageMA}",
            "currentWindowId": "{currentWindowId}",
            "failureCount": "{failureCount}",
            "host": "{host}",
            "id": "{id}",
            "ports": [
                    "bufferServerBytesPSMA": "{bufferServerBytesPSMA}",
                    "name": "{name}",
                    "totalTuples": "{totalTuples}",
                    "tuplesPSMA": "{tuplesPSMA}",
                    "type": "input/output",
                    "recordingStartTime": "{recordingStartTime}"
            "lastHeartbeat": "{lastHeartbeat}",
            "latencyMA": "{latencyMA}",
            "name": "{name}",
            "recordingStartTime": "{recordingStartTime}",
            "recoveryWindowId": "{recoveryWindowId}",
            "status": "{status}",
            "totalTuplesEmitted": "{totalTuplesEmitted}",
            "totalTuplesProcessed": "{totalTuplesProcessed}",
            "tuplesEmittedPSMA": "{tuplesEmittedPSMA}",
            "tuplesProcessedPSMA": "{tuplesProcessedPSMA}",
            "logicalName": "{logicalName}",
            "isUnifier": true/false
     "streams": [        
            "logicalName": "{logicalName}",
            "sinks": [
                    "operatorId": "{operatorId}",
                    "portName": "{portName}"
                }, ...
            "source": {
                "operatorId": "{operatorId}",
                "portName": "{portName}"
            "locality": "{locality}"
        }, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators

Function: Return list of operators for the given application


    "operators": [
            "className": "{className}",
            "container": "{containerId}",
            "counters": {
                "{counterName}": "{counterValue}", 
            "cpuPercentageMA": "{cpuPercentageMA}",
            "currentWindowId": "{currentWindowId}",
            "failureCount": "{failureCount}",
            "host": "{host}",
            "id": "{id}",
            "ports": [
                    "bufferServerBytesPSMA": "{bufferServerBytesPSMA}",
                    "name": "{name}",
                    "totalTuples": "{totalTuples}",
                    "tuplesPSMA": "{tuplesPSMA}",
                    "type": "input/output",
                    "recordingStartTime": "{recordingStartTime}"
            "lastHeartbeat": "{lastHeartbeat}",
            "latencyMA": "{latencyMA}",
            "name": "{name}",
            "recordingStartTime": "{recordingStartTime}",
            "recoveryWindowId": "{recoveryWindowId}",
            "status": "{status}",
            "totalTuplesEmitted": "{totalTuplesEmitted}",
            "totalTuplesProcessed": "{totalTuplesProcessed}",
            "tuplesEmittedPSMA": "{tuplesEmittedPSMA}",
            "tuplesProcessedPSMA": "{tuplesProcessedPSMA}",
            "logicalName": "{logicalName}",
            "unifierClass": "{unifierClass}"

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/streams

Function: Return physical streams


     "streams": [        
            "logicalName": "{logicalName}",
            "sinks": [
                    "operatorId": "{operatorId}",
                    "portName": "{portName}"
                }, ...
            "source": {
                "operatorId": "{operatorId}",
                "portName": "{portName}"
            "locality": "{locality}"
        }, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}

Function: Return information of the given operator for the given application


    "className": "{className}",
    "container": "{containerId}",
    "counters": {
      "{counterName}: "{counterValue}", ...            
    "cpuPercentageMA": "{cpuPercentageMA}",
    "currentWindowId": "{currentWindowId}",
    "failureCount": "{failureCount}",
    "host": "{host}",
    "id": "{id}",
    "ports": [
          "bufferServerBytesPSMA": "{bufferServerBytesPSMA}",
          "name": "{name}",
          "totalTuples": "{totalTuples}",
          "tuplesPSMA": "{tuplesPSMA}",
          "type": "input/output"
       }, ...
    "lastHeartbeat": "{lastHeartbeat}",
    "latencyMA": "{latencyMA}",
    "name": "{name}",
    "recordingStartTime": "{recordingStartTime}",
    "recoveryWindowId": "{recoveryWindowId}",
    "status": "{status}",
    "totalTuplesEmitted": "{totalTuplesEmitted}",
    "totalTuplesProcessed": "{totalTuplesProcessed}",
    "tuplesEmittedPSMA": "{tuplesEmittedPSMA}",
    "tuplesProcessedPSMA": "{tuplesProcessedPSMA}"

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/deployHistory

Function: Return container deploy history of this operator Since: 1.0.6


   "containers": [  
            "container": "{containerId}",   
            "startTime": "{startTime}"  
        }, ...  
    "name": "{operatorName}"

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/ports

Function: Get the information of all ports of the given operator of the given application


    "ports": [
            "bufferServerBytesPSMA": "{bufferServerBytesPSMA}",   
            "name": "{name}",
            "recordingStartTime": "{recordingStartTime}",  
            "totalTuples": "{totalTuples}",   
            "tuplesPSMA": "{tuplesPSMA}",   
            "type": "output"  
        }, …

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/ports/{portName}

Function: Get the information of a specified port


    "bufferServerBytesPSMA": "{bufferServerBytesPSMA}",   
    "name": "{name}",   
    "totalTuples": "{totalTuples}",   
    "tuplesPSMA": "{tuplesPSMA}",   
    "type": "{type}"  

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/operatorClasses[?parent={parent}&q={searchTerm}&packagePrefixes={comma-separated-package-prefixes}]

Function: Get the classes of operators, if given the parent parameter, all classes that inherits from parent


    "operatorClasses": [  
        { "name":"{className}" },

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/operatorClasses/{operatorClass}

Function: Get the description of the given operator class


    "inputPorts": [
            "name": "{name}",
            "optional": {boolean}
    "outputPorts": [
            "name": "{name}",
            "optional": {boolean}
    "properties": [  
          "canGet": {canGet},
          "canSet": {canSet},
          "properties": ...

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/shutdown

Function: Shut down the application

Payload: none

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/kill

Function: Kill the given application

Payload: none

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/recordings/start

Function: Start recording on operator

Payload (optional):

   "numWindows": {number of windows to record}  (if not given, the
recording goes on forever)


    "id": "{recordingId}",

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/recordings/stop

Function: Stop recording on operator

Payload: none

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/ports/{portName}/recordings/start

Function: Start recording on port

Payload (optional):

   "numWindows": {number of windows to record}  (if not given, the
recording goes on forever)


    "id": "{recordingId}",

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/ports/{portName}/recordings/stop

Function: Stop recording on port

Payload: none

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/containers[?states={NEW,ALLOCATED,ACTIVE,KILLED}]

Function: Return the list of containers for this application


    "containers": [
            "host": "{host}",
            "id": "{id}",
            "jvmName": "{jvmName}",
            "lastHeartbeat": "{lastHeartbeat}",
            "memoryMBAllocated": "{memoryMBAllocated}",
            "memoryMBFree": "{memoryMBFree}",
            "numOperators": "{numOperators}",
            "operators:" {
                "id1": "name1",
                "id2": "name2",
                "id3": "name3"
            "containerLogsUrl": "{containerLogsUrl}",
            "state": "{state}"
        }, …

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/containers/{containerId}

Function: Return the information of the specified container


    "host": "{host}",
    "id": "{id}",
    "jvmName": "{jvmName}",
    "lastHeartbeat": "{lastHeartbeat}",
    "memoryMBAllocated": "{memoryMBAllocated}",
    "memoryMBFree": "{memoryMBFree}",
    "numOperators": "{numOperators}",
    "operators:" {
        "id1": "name1",
        "id2": "name2",
        "id3": "name3"
    "containerLogsUrl": "{containerLogsUrl}",
    "state": "{state}"

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/containers/{containerId}/logs

Function: Return the container log list


    "logs": [
            "length": "{log length}",
            "name": "{logName}"
        }, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/containers/{containerId}/stackTrace

Since: 3.4.0

Function: Return the container stack trace


    "threads": [
            "name": "{name}",
            "state": "{state}",
            "id": "{id}",
            "stackTraceElements": [
                "{line2}", ...
        }, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/containers/{containerId}/logs/{logName}[?start={startPos}&end={endPos}&grep={regexp}&includeOffset={true/false}]

Function: Return the raw log

Return: if includeOffset=false or not provided, return raw log content (Content-Type: text/plain). Otherwise (Content-Type: application/json):

    "lines": [
        { "byteOffset":"{byteOffset}", "line": "{line}" }, …

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/containers/{containerId}/kill

Function: Kill this container

Payload: none

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan

Function: Return the logical plan of this application


    "operators": [
        "name": "{name}",
        "attributes": {attributeMap},
        "class": "{class}",
        "ports": {
                "name": "{name}",
                "attributes": {attributeMap},
                "type": "input/output"
            }, ...
         "properties": {
            "class": "{class}"
      }, ...
    "streams": [
            "name": "{name}",
            "locality": "{locality}",
            "sinks": [
                    "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
                    "portName": "{portName}"
                }, ...
            "source": {
                "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
                "portName": "{portName}"
        }, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan/attributes

Function: Return the application attributes


    "{name}": value, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan/operators

Function: Return the list of info of the logical operator


    "operators": [
            "className": "{className}",
            "containerIds": [ "{containerid}", … ],
            "cpuPercentageMA": "{cpuPercentageMA}",
            "currentWindowId": "{currentWindowId}",
            "failureCount": "{failureCount}",
            "hosts": [ "{host}", … ],
            "lastHeartbeat": "{lastHeartbeat}",
            "latencyMA": "{latencyMA}",
            "name": "{name}",
            "partitions": [ "{operatorid}", … ],
            "recoveryWindowId": "{recoveryWindowId}",
            "status": {
                "{state}": "{number}", ...
            "totalTuplesEmitted": "{totalTuplesEmitted}",
            "totalTuplesProcessed": "{totalTuplesProcessed}",
            "tuplesEmittedPSMA": "{tuplesEmittedPSMA}",
            "tuplesProcessedPSMA": "{tuplesProcessedPSMA}",
            "unifiers": [ "{operatorid}", … ],
            "counters": {
                 "{counterName}: {
                    "avg": …, "max": …, "min": …, "sum": ...
        }, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan/operators/{opName}

Function: Return the info of the logical operator


            "className": "{className}",
            "containerIds": [ "{containerid}", … ],
            "cpuPercentageMA": "{cpuPercentageMA}",
            "currentWindowId": "{currentWindowId}",
            "failureCount": "{failureCount}",
            "hosts": [ "{host}", … ],
            "lastHeartbeat": "{lastHeartbeat}",
            "latencyMA": "{latencyMA}",
            "name": "{name}",
            "partitions": [ "{operatorid}", … ],
            "recoveryWindowId": "{recoveryWindowId}",
            "status": {
                "{state}": "{number}", ...
            "totalTuplesEmitted": "{totalTuplesEmitted}",
            "totalTuplesProcessed": "{totalTuplesProcessed}",
            "tuplesEmittedPSMA": "{tuplesEmittedPSMA}",
            "tuplesProcessedPSMA": "{tuplesProcessedPSMA}",
            "unifiers": [ "{operatorid}", … ],
            "counters": {
                 "{counterName}: {
                    "avg": …, "max": …, "min": …, "sum": ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan/operators/{opName}/properties

Function: Return the properties of the logical operator


    "{name}": value, ...

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan/operators/{opName}/properties

Function: Set the properties of the logical operator Payload:

    "{name}": value, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opId}/properties

Function: Return the properties of the physical operator


    "{name}": value, ...

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opId}/properties

Function: Set the properties of the physical operator Payload:

    "{name}": value, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan/operators/{opName}/attributes

Function: Get the attributes of the logical operator


    "{name}": value, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan/operators/{opName}/ports/{portName}/attributes

Function: Get the attributes of the port


    "{name}": value, ...

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan

Function: Change logical plan of this application Payload:

    "requests": [
            "requestType": "AddStreamSinkRequest",
            "streamName": "{streamName}",
            "sinkOperatorName": "{sinkOperatorName}",
            "sinkOperatorPortName": "{sinkOperatorPortName}"
            "requestType": "CreateOperatorRequest",
            "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
            "operatorFQCN": "{operatorFQCN}",
            "requestType": "CreateStreamRequest",
            "streamName": "{streamName}",
            "sourceOperatorName": "{sourceOperatorName}",
            "sourceOperatorPortName": "{sourceOperatorPortName}"
            "sinkOperatorName": "{sinkOperatorName}",
            "sinkOperatorPortName": "{sinkOperatorPortName}"
            "requestType": "RemoveOperatorRequest",
            "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
            "requestType": "RemoveStreamRequest",
            "streamName": "{streamName}",
            "requestType": "SetOperatorPropertyRequest",
            "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
            "propertyName": "{propertyName}",
            "propertyValue": "{propertyValue}"

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan/operators/{opName}/stats/meta

Function: Return the meta information about the statistics stored for this operator


    "appId": "{appId}",
    "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
    "operatorIds": [ {opid}, … ],
    "startTime": "{startTime}",
    "endTime": "{endTime}",
    "count": "{count}",
    "ended": "{boolean}"

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/logicalPlan/operators/{opName}/stats?startTime={startTime}&endTime={endTime}

Function: Return the statistics stored for this logical operator

    "operatorStats": [
            "operatorId": "{operatorId}",
            "timestamp": "{timestamp}",
            "stats": {
                "container": "containerId",
                "host": "host",
                "totalTuplesProcessed", "{totalTuplesProcessed}",
                "totalTuplesEmitted", "{totalTuplesEmitted}",
                "tuplesProcessedPSMA", "{tuplesProcessedPSMA}",
                "tuplesEmittedPSMA": "{tuplesEmittedPSMA}",
                "cpuPercentageMA": "{cpuPercentageMA}",
                "latencyMA": "{latencyMA}",
                "ports": [ {
                    "name": "{name}",
                    "totalTuples": "{totalTuples}",
                    "tuplesPSMA", "{tuplesPSMA}",
                    "bufferServerBytesPSMA", "{bufferServerBytesPSMA}"
                }, … ],
        }, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/containers/stats/meta

Function: Return the meta information about the container statistics

    "appId": "{appId}",
    "containers": {
        "{containerId}": {
            "id": "{id}",
            "jvmName": "{jvmName}",
            "host": "{host}",
            "memoryMBAllocated", "{memoryMBAllocated}"
    "startTime": "{startTime}"
    "endTime": "{endTime}"
    "count": "{count}"
    "ended": {boolean}

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/containers/stats?startTime={startTime}&endTime={endTime}

Function: Return the container statistics stored for this application

    "containerStats": [
            "containerId": "{containerId}"
            "timestamp": "{timestamp}"
            "stats": {
                "numOperators": "{numOperators}",
        }, ...

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/recordings

Function: Get the list of all recordings for this application


    "recordings": [{
        "id": "{id}",
        "startTime": "{startTime}",
        "appId": "{appId}",
        "operatorId": "{operatorId}",
        "containerId": "{containerId}",
        "totalTuples": "{totalTuples}",
        "ports": [ {
            "name": "{portName}",
            "streamName": "{streamName}",
            "type": "{type}",
            "id": "{index}",
            "tupleCount": "{tupleCount}"
        } … ],
        "ended": {boolean},
        "windowIdRanges": [ {
            "low": "{lowId}",
            "high": "{highId}"
        } … ],
        "properties": {
            "name": "value", ...
    }, ...]

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/recordings

Function: Get the list of recordings on this operator


    "recordings": [ {
        "id": "{id}",
        "startTime": "{startTime}",
        "appId": "{appId}",
        "operatorId": "{operatorId}",
        "containerId": "{containerId}",
        "totalTuples": "{totalTuples}",
        "ports": [ {
            "name": "{portName}",
            "streamName": "{streamName}",
            "type": "{type}",
            "id": "{index}",
            "tupleCount": "{tupleCount}"
        } … ],
        "ended": {boolean},
        "windowIdRanges": [ {
            "low": "{lowId}",
            "high": "{highId}"
        } … ],
        "properties": {
            "name": "value", ...
    }, ...]

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/recordings/{id}

Function: Get the information about the recording


    "id": "{id}",
    "startTime": "{startTime}",
    "appId": "{appId}",
    "operatorId": "{operatorId}",
    "containerId": "{containerId}",
    "totalTuples": "{totalTuples}",
    "ports": [ {
       "name": "{portName}",
       "streamName": "{streamName}",
       "type": "{type}",
       "id": "{index}",
       "tupleCount": "{tupleCount}"
     } … ],
    "ended": {boolean},
    "windowIdRanges": [ {
       "low": "{lowId}",
       "high": "{highId}"
     } … ],
    "properties": {
       "name": "value", ...

DELETE /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/recordings/{id}

Function: Deletes the specified recording

Since: 1.0.4

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/physicalPlan/operators/{opid}/recordings/{id}/tuples

Query Parameters:


Function: Get the tuples


    "startOffset": "{startOffset}",
    "tuples": [ {
        "windowId": "{windowId}",
        "tuples": [ {
            "portId": "{portId}",
            "data": "{tupleData}"
        }, … ]
    }, … ]

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/events?from={fromTime}&to={toTime}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}

Function: Get the events


    "events": [ {
           "id": "{id}",
        "timestamp": "{timestamp}",
        "type": "{type}",
        "data": {
            "name": "value", …
    }, … ]

GET /ws/v2/profile/user

Function: Get the user profile information, list of roles and list of permissions given the user


    "authScheme": "{authScheme}",
    "userName" : "{userName}",
    "roles": [ "{role1}", … ],
    "permissions": [ "{permission1}", … ]

GET /ws/v2/profile/settings

Function: Get the current user's settings


    "{key}": {value}, ...

GET /ws/v2/profile/settings/{user}

Function: Get the specified user's settings


    "{key}": {value}, ...

GET /ws/v2/profile/settings/{user}/{key}

Function: Get the specified user's setting key


    "value": {value}

PUT /ws/v2/profile/settings/{user}/{key}

Function: Set the specified user's setting key Payload:

    "value": {value}

GET /ws/v2/auth/roles

Function: Get the list of roles the system has


    "roles": [
         "name": "{role1}",
         "permissions": [ "{permission1}", … ]
       }, …

GET /ws/v2/auth/roles/{role}

Function: Get the list of permissions given the role


    "permissions": [ "{permissions1}", … ]

PUT /ws/v2/auth/roles/{role}

Function: create or edit the list of permissions given the role


    "permissions": [ "{permissions1}", … ]

POST /ws/v2/auth/restoreDefaultRoles

Function: Restores default roles

DELETE /ws/v2/auth/roles/{role}

Function: delete the given role

GET /ws/v2/auth/permissions

Function: Get the list of possible permissions


    "permissions": [ {
       "name": "{permissionName}",
       "adminOnly": true/false
    }, … ]

PUT /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/permissions

Function: Set the permissions details for this application


    "readOnly": {
        "roles": [ "role1", … ],
        "users": [ "user1", … ],
        "everyone": true/false
    "readWrite": {
        "roles": [ "role1", … ],
        "users": [ "user1", … ],
        "everyone": true/false

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/permissions

Function: Get the permissions details for this application


    "readOnly": {
        "roles": [ "role1", … ],
        "users": [ "user1", … ],
        "everyone": true/false
    "readWrite": {
        "roles": [ "role1", … ],
        "users": [ "user1", … ],
        "everyone": true/false

PUT /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{name}/permissions

Function: Set the permissions details for this application


    "readOnly": {
        "roles": [ "role1", … ],
        "users": [ "user1", … ],
        "everyone": true/false
    "readWrite": {
        "roles": [ "role1", … ],
        "users": [ "user1", … ],
        "everyone": true/false

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{name}/permissions

Function: Get the permissions details for this application


    "readOnly": {
        "roles": [ "role1", … ],
        "users": [ "user1", … ],
        "everyone": true/false
    "readWrite": {
        "roles": [ "role1", … ],
        "users": [ "user1", … ],
        "everyone": true/false

POST /ws/v2/licenses

Function: Add a license to the registry

Payload: The license file content


  "id": "{licenseId}",
  "expireTime": {unixTimeMillis},
  "expirationTimeNotificationPeriod": {timeMillis},
  "nodesAllowed": {nodesAllowed},
  "memoryMBAllowed": {memoryMBAllowed},
  "exceedGracePeriod": {timeMillis},
  "contextType": "{contextType}",
  "type": "{type}",
  "features": [ "{feature1}", … ]

GET /ws/v2/licenses/current

Function: Get info on the current license

      "id": "{licenseId}",
      "currentTime": {unixTimeMillis},
      "expireTime": {unixTimeMillis},
      "nodesAllowed": {nodesAllowed},
      "nodesUsed": {nodesUsed},
      "memoryMBAllowed": {memoryMBAllowed},
      "memoryMBUsed": {memoryMBUsed},
      "exceedGracePeriod": {timeMillis}, // memory exceed grace period
      "exceedRemainingTime": {timeMillis},  // (optional)
      "violation": "memory", // returns violation type (optional)
      "contextType": "{community|standard|enterprise}",
      "type": "{evaluation|non_production|production}"
      "features": [ "{feature1}", … ], // for community, empty array
      "current": true/false,
      "expirationTimeNotificationLevel": "{INFO|WARN|ERROR}", // (optional)
      "valid": true/false // true, if the license is valid

GET /ws/v2/config/installMode

Function: returns the install mode

  "installMode": "{evaluation|community|app}",
  "appPackageName": "{optionalAppPackageName}",
  "appPackageVersion": "{optionalAppPackageVersion}"

GET /ws/v2/config/properties/dt.phoneHome.enable

Function: returns the download type

  "value": "true/false"

PUT /ws/v2/config/properties/dt.phoneHome.enable


  "value": "true/false"

Feature List:


GET /ws/v2/config/properties

Function: Returns list of properties from dt-site.xml.


    "{name}": {
        "value": "{PROPERTY_VALUE}",
        "description": "{PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION}"


GET /ws/v2/config/properties/{PROPERTY_NAME}

Function: Returns single property from dt-site.xml, specify by name


    "value": "{PROPERTY_VALUE}",
    "description": "{PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION}"

POST /ws/v2/config/properties

Function: Overwrites all specified properties in dt-site.xml


    "properties": [
            "name": "{name}"
            "value": "{PROPERTY_VALUE}",
            "local": true/false,
                    "description": "{PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION}"
        }, …

PUT /ws/v2/config/properties/{PROPERTY_NAME}

Function: Overwrites or creates new property in dt-site.xml Payload:

    "value": "{PROPERTY_VALUE}",
    "local": true/false,
    "description": "{PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION}"

DELETE /ws/v2/config/properties/{PROPERTY_NAME}

Function: Deletes a property from dt-site.xml.

GET /ws/v2/config/hadoopExecutable

Function: Returns the hadoop executable


    "value": "{PROPERTY_VALUE}",

PUT /ws/v2/config/hadoopExecutable

Function: Sets the hadoop executable


    "value": "{PROPERTY_VALUE}",

GET /ws/v2/config/issues

Function: Returns list of potential issues with environment


    "issues": [
            "key": "{issueKey}",
            "propertyName": "{PROPERTY_NAME}",
            "description": "{ISSUE_DESCRIPTION}",
            "severity": "error"|"warning"

GET /ws/v2/config/ipAddresses

Function: Returns list of ip addresses the gateway can listen to


    "ipAddresses": [
      "", ...

POST /ws/v2/config/restart

Function: Restarts the gateway

Payload: none

GET /proxy/rm/v1/…

POST /proxy/rm/v1/…

Function: Proxy calls to resource manager of Hadoop. Only works for GET and POST calls.

GET /proxy/stram/v2/...

POST /proxy/stram/v2/…

PUT /proxy/stram/v2/…

DELETE /proxy/stram/v2/…

Function: Proxy calls to Stram Web Services.

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/loggers

Function: Set the logger levels of packages/classes.


    "loggers" : [
            "logLevel": value,
            "target": value

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/loggers

Function: Gets the logger levels of packages/classes.


    "loggers" : [
            "logLevel": value,
            "target": value

GET /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/loggers/search?pattern="{pattern}"

Function: searches for all classes that match the pattern.


    "loggers" : [
            "name" : "{fully qualified class name}",
            "level": "{logger level}"

POST /ws/v2/applications/{appid}/restart[?queue={queue}]

Since: 3.4.0 Function: Restart the terminated application. Payload is optional. Payload:

  "{propertyName}" : "{propertyValue}", ...


  "appId": "{appId}"

GET /ws/v2/appPackages

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Gets the list of appPackages the user can view in the system

    "appPackages": [
                 "appPackageName": "{appPackageName}",
                 "appPackageVersion": "{appPackageVersion}",
            "modificationTime": "{modificationTime}",
            "owner": "{owner}",
        }, ...

POST /ws/v2/appPackages?merge={replace|fail|ours|theirs}

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Uploads an appPackage file, merge with existing app package if exists. Default is replace. merge parameter: replace - replace existing app package with the new app package without merging fail - return error if there is an existing app package already with the same owner and name and version ours - merge, for files existing in both existing and new app packages, use the file in the new package theirs - merge, for files existing in both existing and new app packages, use the file in the existing package

Payload: the raw zip file

Return: The information of the app package

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{name}

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Gets the list of versions of appPackages with the given name in the system owned by the specified user

    "versions": [

DELETE /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Deletes the appPackage

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/download

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Downloads the appPackage zip file

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Gets the meta information of the app package


    "appPackageName": "{appPackageName}",
    "appPackageVersion": "{appPackageVersion}",
    "modificationTime":  "{modificationTime}",
    "owner": "{owner}",

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/configs

Since: 1.0.4 Function: Gets the list of configurations of the app package Returns:

    "configs": [

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/configs/{configName}

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Gets the properties XML of the specified config



PUT /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/configs/{configName}

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Creates or replaces the specified config with the property parameters specified payload

Payload: configuration in XML

DELETE /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/configs/{configName}

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Deletes the specified config

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/applications

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Gets the list of applications in the appPackage


    "applications": [
            "dag": {dag in json format},
            "file": "{fileName}",
            "name": "{name}",
            "type": "{type}",
            "error": "{error}",
            "fileContent": {originalFileContentForJSONTypeApp}

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/applications/{appName}

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Gets the meta data for that application


    "file": "{fileName}",
    "name": "{name}",
    "type": "{json/class/properties}",
    "error": "{error}"
    "dag": {
        "operators": [
            "name": "{name}",
            "attributes":  {
                "{attributeKey}": "{attributeValue}", ...
            "class": "{class}",
            "ports": [
                    "name": "{name}",
                    "attributes":  {
                       "{attributeKey}": "{attributeValue}", ...
                  }, ...
            "properties": {
               "{propertyName}": "{propertyValue}"
         }, ...
        "streams": [
            "name": "{name}",
            "locality": "{locality}",
            "sinks": [
                    "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
                    "portName": "{portName}"
                }, ...
            "source": {
                "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
                "portName": "{portName}"
          }, ...
    "fileContent": {originalFileContentForJSONTypeApp}

POST /ws/v2/appPackages/{user}/{appPackageName}/{appPackageVersion}/merge

Function: Merge the configuration, json apps, and resources files from the app package specified by user/name/version from the payload to the specified app package in the url, without overwriting any existing file in the specified app package. If replaceExisting is true, the files in the app, conf and resources directory of the app package will be replaced by the ones in the app package specified in the payload. Otherwise, they will not be replaced. The fields user, name and replaceExisting in the payload are optional. If user and name are not specified, they are default to be the same as in the URI path. replaceExisting's default is false.


 "user": "{user}",
 "name": "{name}",
 "version": "{versionToMergeFrom}",
 "replaceExisting": "{true/false}"

POST /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/applications/{appName}/launch[?config={configName}&originalAppId={originalAppId}&queue={queueName}]

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Launches the application with the given configuration specified in the POST payload


    "{propertyName}" : "{propertyValue}", ...


    "appId": "{appId}"

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/operators/{classname}

Since: 1.0.4

Function: Get the properties of the operator given the classname in the jar

    "properties": [  
          "canGet": {canGet},
          "canSet": {canSet},
          "properties": ...

PUT /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/applications/{applicationName}[?errorIfExists={true/false}]

Function: Creates or Replaces an application using json. Note that "ports" are only needed if you need to specify port attributes. If errorIfExists is true, it returns an error if the application with the same name already exists in the app package


        "displayName": "{displayName}",
        "description": "{description}",
        "operators": [
            "name": "{name}",
            "attributes":  {
                "{attributeKey}": "{attributeValue}", ...
            "class": "{class}",
            "ports": [
                    "name": "{name}",
                    "attributes":  {
                       "{attributeKey}": "{attributeValue}", ...
                  }, ...
            "properties": {
               "{propertyName}": "{propertyValue}"
          }, ...
        "streams": [
            "name": "{name}",
            "locality": "{locality}",
            "sinks": [
                    "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
                    "portName": "{portName}"
                }, ...
            "source": {
                "operatorName": "{operatorName}",
                "portName": "{portName}"
          }, ...


        "error": "{error}"

Available port attributes to set:


Available locality options to set:


DELETE /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/applications/{applicationName}

Since: 1.0.5

Function: Deletes non-jar based application in the app package

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{packageName}/{packageVersion}/operators

Since: 1.0.5

Function: Get the classes of operators from specified app package.


    "operatorClasses": [  
            "title": "{title}",
            "shortDesc": "{description}",
            "longDesc": "{description}",
            "category": "{categoryName}",
            "doclink": "{doc url}",
            "tags": [ "{tag}", "{tag}", … ],
            "inputPorts": [
                    "name": "{portName}",
                    "type": "{tupleType}",
                    "optional": true/false  
                }, …
            "outputPorts": [
                    "name": "{portName}",
                    "type": "{tupleType}",
                    "optional": true/false  
                }, …
            "properties": [  
                    "canGet": {canGet},
                    "canSet": {canSet},
                    "properties": ...
                }, …
            "defaultValue": {
                "{propertyName}": [VALUE], // type depends on property

        }, …

GET /ws/v2/appPackages/import

Function: List the importable app packages on Gateway's local file system


    "appPackages: [
            "file": "{file}",
            "name": "{name}",
            "displayName": "{displayName}",
            "version": "{version}",
            "description": "{description}"

POST /ws/v2/appPackages/import

Function: Import app package from Gateway's local file system


        "files": ["{file}", … ]

PUT /ws/v2/systemAlerts/alerts/{name}

Function: Creates or replaces the specified system alert. The condition has access to an object in its scope called _topic. An example alert might take the form of the following:

_topic["applications.application_1400294100000_0001"].allocatedContainers > 5


        "condition":"{condition in javascript}",
    "description": "{description}",

DELETE /ws/v2/systemAlerts/alerts/{name}

Function: Deletes the specified system alert

GET /ws/v2/systemAlerts/alerts?inAlert={true/false}

Function: Gets the created alerts


    "alerts": [{
        "name": "{alertName}",
        "condition":"{condition in javascript}",
    "description": "{description}",
        "alertStatus": {
            "inTime": "{time}",
            "message": "{message}",
            "emailSent": {true/false}
    }, …  ]

GET /ws/v2/systemAlerts/alerts/{name}

Function: Gets the specified system alert


    "name": "{alertName}",
    "condition":"{condition in javascript}",        
    "description": "{description}",
    "alertStatus": {
        "inTime": "{time}",
        "message": "{message}",
        "emailSent": {true/false}

GET /ws/v2/systemAlerts/history

Function: Gets the history of alerts


    "history": [
            "outTime": "{time}",
            "message": "{message}",
            "emailSent": {true/false}
        }, ...

GET /ws/v2/systemAlerts/topicData

Function: Gets the topic data that is used for evaluating alert condition


     "{topicName}": {json object data}, ...

PUT /ws/v2/systemAlerts/templates/system/{name}

Function: Creates or replaces the specified system alert template.


    "isSystemTemplate": true,
    "description": "{description}",
    "parameters": [
          "variable": "{replacement variable in Javascript block}",
          "label": "{input label}",
          "type": "{number/text}",
          "placeholder": "{input placeholder}",
          "tooltip": "{input tooltip}",
          "required": {true/false},
          "default": "{default value}",     // optional
          "values": {                       // optional
            "{key}": "{value}",
    "script": "{Javascript block}"


    "templates": [
            "isSystemTemplate": true,
            "description": "An alert template example.",
            "parameters": [
                  "variable": "comparison",
                  "label": "Comparison",
                  "type": "text",
                  "placeholder": "Select a comparison",
                  "tooltip": "Choose the comparison to use.",
                  "required": true,
                  "default": ">",
                  "values": {
                    "<": "less than",
                    "===": "equals to",
                    ">": "greater than"
                  "variable": "count",
                  "label": "Number of Killed Containers",
                  "type": "number",
                  "placeholder": "Enter a valid number",
                  "tooltip": "Enter the number.",
                  "required": false
            "script": "/* Alert when number of killed containers is {{comparison}} {{count}} */

                _topic['cluster.metrics'].numContainers {{comparison.key}} ({{count}} !== null ? {{count}} : 0);"

DELETE /ws/v2/systemAlerts/templates/system/{name}

Function: Deletes the specified system alert template.

GET /ws/v2/systemAlerts/templates/system

Function: Gets the created system alert templates


    "templates": [
            "isSystemTemplate": true,
            "description": "{description}",
            "parameters": [
                  "variable": "{replacement variable in Javascript block}",
                  "label": "{input label}",
                  "type": "{number/text}",
                  "placeholder": "{input placeholder}",
                  "tooltip": "{input tooltip}",
                  "required": {true/false},
                  "default": "{default value}",     // optional
                  "values": {                       // optional
                    "{key}": "{value}",
            "script": "{Javascript block}"

GET /ws/v2/systemAlerts/templates/system/{name}

Function: Gets the specified system alert template


    "isSystemTemplate": true,
    "description": "{description}",
    "parameters": [
          "variable": "{replacement variable in Javascript block}",
          "label": "{input label}",
          "type": "{number/text}",
          "placeholder": "{input placeholder}",
          "tooltip": "{input tooltip}",
          "required": {true/false},
          "default": "{default value}",     // optional
          "values": {                       // optional
            "{key}": "{value}",
    "script": "{Javascript block}"

PUT /ws/v2/systemAlerts/validate/script

Function: Validates Java script.


    "script": {"script"}

GET /ws/v2/auth/users/{user}

Function: Gets the info of the given user


    "userName": "{userName}",
    "roles": [ "{role1}", "{role2}" ]

POST /ws/v2/auth/users/{user}

Function: Changes password and/or roles of the given user


    "userName": "{userName}",
    "oldPassword": "{oldPassword}",
    "newPassword": "{newPassword}",
    "roles": [ "{role1}", "{role2}" ]

PUT /ws/v2/auth/users/{user}

Function: Creates new user


    "userName": "{userName}",
    "password": "{password}",
    "roles": [ "{role1}", "{role2}" ]

DELETE /ws/v2/auth/users/{user}

Function: Deletes the specified user

GET /ws/v2/auth/users

Function: Gets the list of users


    "users": [ {
       "userName": "{username1}",
       "roles": [ "{role1}", … ],
       "permissions": [ "{permission1}", … ]

POST /ws/v2/login

Function: Login Payload:

    "userName": "{userName}",
    "password": "{password}"


    "authScheme": "{authScheme}",
    "userName" : "{userName}",
    "roles": [ "{role1}", … ],
    "permissions": [ "{permission1}", … ]

POST /ws/v2/logout

Function: Log out the current user



PUT /ws/v2/config/auth

Function: Configure authentication. The request specifies the type of authentication to setup such as password, kerberos, ldap etc and the configuration parameters for the authentication. The web service sets up the appropriate configuration files for the authentication as described in authentication section of dtgateway_security document. Gateway needs to be restarted for the new authentication to take effect. This can be done by making the gateway restart web service request.


    "type": "{authenticationType}",
    "configuration":{ }



The web request GET /ws/v2/config/auth returns payload body that was sent in PUT request as the response verbatim.


Function: Configure Password authentication

    "type": "password",
    "configuration":{ }



The web request GET /ws/v2/config/auth returns payload body that was sent in PUT request as the response verbatim.

    "type": "password",
    "configuration":{ }

Kerberos with no group mapping

Function: Configure Kerberos authentication with no group mapping The configuration comprises of different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. Two of the properties are mandatory, they are "kerberosPrincipal" & "kerberosKeytab". A "groupSupport" property specifies whether group mapping should be enabled. Group mapping allows Kerberos groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "false".




The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .

Kerberos with group mapping

Function: Configure Kerberos authentication with group mapping The configuration comprises of different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. Two of these properties are mandatory, they are "kerberosPrincipal" & "kerberosKeytab". A "groupSupport" property specifies whether group mapping should be enabled. Group mapping allows Kerberos groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "true". When group mapping is enabled an additional "groupMapping" configuration should be specified that contains the mapping from kerberos groups to roles.

   "type": "kerberos",
   "configuration": {  
        "groupSupport": "true",
        "kerberosPrincipal": "{kerberosPrincipal}",
        "kerberosKeytab": "{Keytab}",
        "tokenValidity": "{Validity}",
        "cookieDomain" : "{cookieDomain}",
        "cookiePath": "{cookiePath}"
        "signatureSecret": "{signatureSecret}"
    "groupMapping": [
             "group": "users",
             "roles": ["developers", "admins", "qa"] 
             "group": "ops",
             "roles": ["operators"]



The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .


Configure LDAP authentication. There are different configurations possible based on how the LDAP server is configured.

Anonymous search allowed and no group mapping needed

Function: Configure LDAP authentication with anonymous search available on LDAP server and no group mapping is needed The configuration comprises of different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. The "server" property is mandatory. Also, at least one of userBaseDn, authIdentity or userSearchFilter properties must be specified. A "groupSupport" property specifies whether group mapping should be enabled. Group mapping allows LDAP groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "false".

{  "type": "ldap",
   "configuration": {  
       "groupSupport": "false",
       "Server": "{Server}",
       "Port": {port}" +
       "userBaseDn": "{usserBaseDn}",
       "userIdAttribute": "{userIdAttribute}"



The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .

Anonymous search not allowed and no group mapping needed

Function: Configure LDAP authentication when anonymous search is not available on LDAP server and no group mapping is needed The configuration comprises of different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. The "server", "userBaseDn", "bindDn" & "bindPassword" properties are mandatory. A "groupSupport" property specifies whether group mapping should be enabled. Group mapping allows LDAP groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "false".

    "type": "ldap",
    "configuration": {  
        "groupSupport": "false",
        "Server": "{server}",
        "Port": {port},
        "userBaseDn": "{userBaseDn}",
        "userIdAttribute": "{userIdAttribute}",
        "bindDn": "{bindDn}",
        "bindPassword": "{bindPassword}", 
        "userObjectClass": "{userObjectClass}"



The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .

Anonymous search not allowed but group mapping needed

Function: Configure LDAP authentication when anonymous search is not available on LDAP server but group mapping is needed The configuration comprises of different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. The "server", "userBaseDn", "bindDn" & "bindPassword" properties are mandatory. A "groupSupport" property specifies whether group mapping should be enabled. Group mapping allows LDAP groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "true". When group mapping is enabled an additional "groupMapping" configuration should be specified that contains the mapping from LDAP groups to roles.

    "type": "ldap",
    "configuration": {  
        "groupSupport": "true",
        "Server": "{server}",
        "Port": {port},
        "userBaseDn": "{userBaseDn}",
        "userIdAttribute": "{userIdAttribute}",
        "bindDn": "{bindDn}",
        "bindPassword": "{bindPassword}", 
        "roleBaseDn": "{roleBaseDn}",
        "roleNameAttribute": "{roleNameAttribute}", 
        "roleObjectClass": "{roleObjectClass}", 
        "userObjectClass": "{userObjectClass}"
    "groupMapping": [ 
            "group": "users",
            "group": "ops",
            "roles": ["operators"]



The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .

Active Directory

Configure Active Directory authentication. There are different configurations possible based on how the Active Directory server is configured.

Anonymous search allowed and no group mapping needed

Function: Configure Active Directory authentication with anonymous search available on Active Directory server and no group mapping is needed The configuration comprises of different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. The "server" property is mandatory. Also, at least one of userBaseDn, authIdentity or userSearchFilter properties must be specified. A "groupSupport" property specifies whether group mapping should be enabled. Group mapping allows Active Directory groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "false".

   "type": "ad",
   "configuration": {  
       "groupSupport ": "false",
       "Server": "{server}",
       "Port": {port},
       "userSearchFilter": "{userSearchFilter}",
       "userBaseDn": "{userBaseDn}",
       "userIdAttribute": "{userIdAttribute}",
       "userDomain" : "{userDomain}"    



The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .

Anonymous search not allowed and no group mapping needed

Function: Configure Active Directory authentication when anonymous search is not available on Active Directory server and no group mapping is needed The configuration comprises of different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. The "server", "userBaseDn", "bindDn" & "bindPassword" properties are mandatory. A "groupSupport" property specifies whether group mapping should be enabled. Group mapping allows LDAP groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "false".

   "type": "ad",
   "configuration": {  
   "groupSupport": "false",
        "Server": "{server}",
        "Port": {port},
        "userBaseDn": "{userBaseDn}",
        "userIdAttribute": "{userIdAttribute}",
        "bindDn": "{bindDn}",
        "bindPassword": "{bindPassword}",
        "userObjectClass": "{userObjectClass}"



The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .

Anonymous search not allowed but group mapping needed

Function: Configure Active Directory authentication when anonymous search is not available on Active Directory server but group mapping is needed The configuration comprises different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. The "server", "userBaseDn", "bindDn" & "bindPassword" properties are mandatory. A "groupSupport" property specifies whether group mapping should be enabled. Group mapping allows LDAP groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "true". When group mapping is enabled an additional "groupMapping" configuration should be specified that contains the mapping from Active Directory groups to roles.

    "type": "ad",
    "configuration": {  
        "groupSupport": "true",
        "Server": "{Server}",
        "Port": {port},
        "userBaseDn": "{userBaseDn}",
        "userIdAttribute": "{userIdAttribute}",
        "bindDn": "{bindDn}",
        "bindPassword": "{bindPassword}",
        "roleBaseDn": "{roleBaseDn}",
        "userRdnAttribute": "{userRdnAttribute}",
        "roleNameAttribute": "roleNameAttribute",
        "roleObjectClass": "roleObjectClass",
        "userObjectClass": "{userObjectClass}",
     "groupMapping": [ ]  



The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .


Configure PAM or Pluggable Authentication Mechanism. PAM is the de-facto authentication available on Linux systems.

PAM with no group mapping

Function: Configure PAM authentication with no group mapping The configuration comprises of different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. In PAM, service name is mandatory & there is no configuration. A "groupSupport" property specifies whether group mapping should be enabled. Group mapping allows PAM groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "false".




The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .

PAM with group mapping

Function: Configure PAM authentication with group mapping The configuration comprises of different properties as described in the dtgateway_security document. In PAM, service name is mandatory & there is no configuration. Group mapping allows PAM groups to be mapped to roles. It should be specified as "true". When group mapping is enabled an additional "groupMapping" configuration should be specified that contains the mapping from PAM groups to roles.


   "groupMapping": [ 
          "group": "users",
          "group": "ops",
          "roles": ["operators"]



The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .

PUT /ws/v2/config/groupMapping

Function: Specify group to role mapping Set or update mapping from groups of configured authentication mechanism to RTS roles.

   "groupMapping" : [
           "group" : "users",
           "role" : ["developers", "admins", "qa", "interns"]
           "group": "ops",
           "role" : ["operators"]



The GET response will be same as the json sent in the request for PUT .

Publisher-Subscriber WebSocket Protocol

dtGateway provides a light-weight pubsub websocket service. The URL of dtGateway's pubsub websocket service is: ws://{dtGateway-host-port}/pubsub. For example: ws://localhost:9090/pubsub



{"type":"publish", "topic":"{topic}", "data":{data}}


{"type":"subscribe", "topic":"{topic}"}


{"type":"unsubscribe", "topic":"{topic}"}

Subscribing to the number of subscribers of a topic

{"type":"subscribeNumSubscribers", "topic":"{topic}"}

Unsubscribing from the number of subscribers of a topic

{"type":"unsubscribeNumSubscribers", "topic":"{topic}"}


Normal Published Data

{"type":"data", "topic":"{topic}", "data":{data}}

Number of Subscribers:

{"type":"data", "topic":"{topic}.numSubscribers", "data":{data}}

Auto publish topics

data that gets published every one second:

  • applications - list of streaming applications running in the cluster
  • applications.[appid] - information about a particular application
  • applications.[appid].containers - information about containers of a particular application
  • applications.[appid].physicalOperators - information about operators of a particular application
  • applications.[appid].logicalOperators - information about logical operators of a particular application
  • applications.[appid].events - events from the AM of a particularapplication

data that gets published every five seconds:

  • cluster.metrics - metrics of the cluster