Database dump to HDFS Sync application


Ingest records from a PostgreSQL Database table to hadoop HDFS. This application reads messages from configured PostgreSQL table and writes each record as a comma-separated line in HDFS files.

The source code is available at:

Please send feedback or feature requests to:

This document has a step-by-step guide to configure, customize, and launch this application.

Steps to launch application

  1. Click on the AppHub tab from the top navigation bar. AppHub link from top navigation bar

  2. Page listing the applications available on AppHub is displayed. Search for Database to see all applications related to Database. AppHub search for Database

    Click on import button for Database dump to HDFS Sync App

  3. Notification is displayed on the top right corner after application package is successfully imported. App import Notification

  4. Click on the link in the notification which navigates to the page for this application package. App details page

    Detailed information about the application package like version, last modified time, and short description is available on this page. Click on launch button for Database-to-HDFS-Sync application.

  5. Launch Database-to-HDFS-Sync dialogue is displayed. One can configure the name of this instance of the application from this dialogue. Launch dialogue

  6. Select Use saved configuration option to display a list of pre-saved configurations. Please select sandbox-memory-conf.xml or cluster-memory-conf.xml depending on whether your environment is the DataTorrent sandbox, or other cluster. Select saved configuration

  7. Select Specify custom properties option. Click on add default properties button. Specify custom properties

  8. This expands a key-value editor pre-populated with mandatory properties for this application. Change values as needed. Properties editor

    For example, suppose we wish to process all rows from the table test_event_table in a PostgreSQL database named testdb accessible at port 5432 with credentials username=postgres, password=postgres, and we wish to write the output to the HDFS file /user/appuser/output/output.txt. Properties should be set as follows:

    Name Value jdbc:postgresql:// postgres postgres
    dt.operator.JdbcPoller.prop.tableName test_event_table
    dt.operator.fileOutput.prop.filePath /user/appuser/output
    dt.operator.fileOutput.prop.outputFileName output.txt

    Details about configuration options are available in Configuration options section.

  9. Click on the Launch button at the lower right corner of the dialog to launch the application. A notification is displayed on the top right corner after the application is launched successfully and includes the Application ID which can be used to monitor this instance and to find its logs. Application launch notification

  10. Click on the Monitor tab from the top navigation bar. Monitor tab

  11. A page listing all running applications is displayed. Search for the current instance based on name or application id or any other relevant field. Click on the application name or id to navigate to the details page. Apps monitor listing

  12. Application instance details page shows key metrics for monitoring the application status. logical tab shows application DAG, StrAM events, operator status based on logical operators, stream status, and a chart with key metrics. Logical tab Physical tab
  13. Click on the physical tab to look at the status of physical instances of operators, containers etc.

Configuration options

Mandatory properties

End user must specify the values for these properties.

Property Description Type Example JDBC driver class. This has to be on CLASSPATH. PostgreSQL driver is added as a dependency. String org.postgresql.Driver JDBC connection URL String

jdbc:postgresql:// Password for Database credentials String postgres Username for Database credentials String postgres
dt.operator.JdbcPoller.prop.tableName Table name for input records String test_event_table
dt.operator.JdbcPoller.prop.whereCondition Where clause condition (if any) for input records. Keep blank to fetch all records. String
dt.operator.fileOutput.prop.filePath Output path for HDFS String /user/appuser/output
dt.operator.fileOutput.prop.outputFileName Output file name String output.txt

Advanced properties

There are pre-saved configurations based on the application environment. Recommended settings for datatorrent sandbox edition are in sandbox-memory-conf.xml and for a cluster environment in cluster-memory-conf.xml (the first 2 are integers and the rest are strings). The messages or records emitted are specified by the value of the TUPLE_CLASS attribute in the configuration file namely PojoEvent in this case.

Property Description Default for
- conf.xml
Default for


Number of JDBC input partitions for parallel reading. 4 1


Batch size to read data from JDBC. 300 300


Key column for the table. This will be used for partitoning of rows.




Key column for the table. This will be used for partitoning of rows.




Fully qualified class name for the tuple class POJO(Plain old java objects) emitted by JDBC input com.datatorrent.apps.PojoEvent com.datatorrent.apps.PojoEvent


Poll interval for scanning new records in milisec 1000 1000


Schema for CSV formatter {"separator": "|",
"quoteChar": "\"",
"lineDelimiter": "", "fields": [
"name": "accountNumber",
"type": "Integer"
"name": "name",
"type": "String"
"name": "amount",
"type": "Integer"
{"separator": "|",
"quoteChar": "\"",
"lineDelimiter": "", "fields": [
"name": "accountNumber",
"type": "Integer"
"name": "name",
"type": "String"
"name": "amount",
"type": "Integer"
dt.operator.formatter. Fully qualified class name for the tuple class POJO(Plain old java objects) input to CSV formatter com.datatorrent.apps.PojoEvent com.datatorrent.apps.PojoEvent

You can override default values for advanced properties by specifying custom values for these properties in the step specify custom property step mentioned in steps to launch an application.

Steps to customize the application

  1. Make sure you have following utilities installed on your machine and available on PATH in environment variable:

  2. Use following command to clone the examples repository:

    git clone

  3. Change directory to examples/tutorials/database-to-hdfs:

    cd examples/tutorials/database-to-hdfs

  4. Import this maven project in your favorite IDE (e.g. eclipse).

  5. Change the source code as per your requirements. Some tips are given as commented blocks in the for this project.

  6. Make respective changes in the test case and properties.xml based on your environment.

  7. Compile this project using maven:

    mvn clean package

    This will generate the application package file with .apa extension in the target directory.

  8. Go to DataTorrent UI Management console on web browser. Click on the Develop tab from the top navigation bar. Develop tab

  9. Click on upload package button and upload the generated .apa file. Upload

  10. Application package page is shown with the listing of all packages. Click on the Launch button for the uploaded application package. Follow the steps for launching an application.